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Re: [ccp4bb]: website format change???

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Its taken <>2yrs for someone to mention this...

> When I look at the exam file on the DL web site it is indeed messy.
> When, haowever, I save this same file locally everything looks OK. It
> turns out that it is a text file, not HTML. I gues there's a difference
> for Netscape browsing a local versus remote text file, nothing to do
> with formatting. 
> Anyway, CCP4 users have the documentation plus examples all locally,
> right?

and these are the examples you should use considering they are specific to
the CCP4 version you have installed - therefore more likeley to run :).

If you insisit on using the DL site to view the example scripts from the
documentation either:

1) view source
2) fiddle with netscape et al to assign the .exam to be a text file.
(though ive never got that to work)

Alun Ashton,      awa@ccp4.ac.uk    Tel: +44 1925 603528
CCP4,             ccp4@ccp4.ac.uk   Fax: +44 1925 603124
Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, UK, WA4 4AD