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[ccp4bb]: Refmac5 calculations depend on platform!

We have run exactly the same restrained refinement on Irix6.5
and RedHat7.0 with Refmac5.0.32 in CCP4 4.1. They not only
give different results but the first difference in the log file
can be found after the first cycle of refinemnet in the values of X-ray gradient.
Under Linux the gradient is around 120 but on Irix about 20 which drives
the refinement according to X-ray and totally destroys the geometry.
There is a special message after the gradients listing:
Anyone knows what's happening?
"He is not the slave of the stars but their Maker. Is it not said
in all the old stories that He is not a tame lion."
                                        C.S.Lewis, The Last Battle
 Jan Dohnalek  (Mr.)                        
 Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry       
 Heyrovskeho nam. 2, 162 06 Praha 6          
 Czech Republic (search in the middle of Europe) 
 Tel. : ++4202 20403205                          
 Fax:  ++4202 35357981                            
 E-mail: dohnalek@imc.cas.cz                    