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[ccp4bb]: refmac5 with new ligands

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I ran refmac5 on a protein struture refinement with a new ligand
involved. I have created library file for the ligand through refmac5
(new.lib) and read it in using LIBIN keyword. However, refmac5 kept
stopping after checking through the new ligand with message: 

New ligand has been encountered. Stopping now

even though I have included both keywords, MAKE CHECK 0 and MAKE
NEWLigands Noexit, in the input script. Am I still missing something that
would make refmac5 accept the new ligands?

Helps appreciated.

Huiying Li, Ph. D
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
University of California at Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697, USA
Tel: 949-824-4322(or -1797);  Fax: 949-824-3280
email: hli@bragg.bio.uci.edu