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[ccp4bb]: CCP4nt4_1_1c

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RE: CCP4 on Windows

Dear All,

Following the recent success of ccp4nt4_1_1b I received lots of feedback
and some quite serious problems came to light (especially on Windows 98
variants). Many of these problems have now been solved (see below) and so
I've made another release - ccp4nt4_1_1c.

As a result of CCP4nt being made more public I've also received more help
on the programs - and now Alain Dautant has been able to get most of the
Xwindows programs that are distributed with ccp4 to work.

the CCP4nt page has also been updated:

Thanks once again to all
Alun Ashton,   awa@ccp4.ac.uk    Tel: +44 1925 603528
CCP4,          ccp4@ccp4.ac.uk   Fax: +44 1925 603825
Daresbury Lab,  Daresbury,  Warrington,  UK,  WA4 4AD

Current version of CCP4nt is 4.1.1c

released on 21/June/2001

possible date for next release ccp4nt4.1.1d Late summer.

  CCP4nt4.1.1c - ccp4 version 4.1.1 compatible 21/June/2001

Changes from previous ccp4nt version:
  any fixes from main suite
  Username with spaces problem
  Some of the windowsME problems.
  Areaimol buglet
  symop.lib problem fix
  Get a shortcut to ccp4i on desktop (ooooo :) )

What is missing from ccp4nt4.1.1c?:
Among others that are being looked into
  Molrep, solomon, sftools, topp
Other programs like the X ARE being investigated!

What is being done for the next release?:
(** = definetly, * = probably be, ' ' = maybe

**any fixes from main suite
 *MDW's TLSutils (available now on request)
**Mailing CCP4 for help
**viewing .plt files
**Acorn (available now on request)
**rasmol starter as pdb viewer (available now on request)
**Install folder problem
  Win98 install script problem

(any more or if you feel my priorities are 'wrong'
     let me know at a.w.ashton@ccp4.ac.uk)

Any known problems with ccp4ntb4.1.1c?:

  All the programs have been compiled in debug mode. This
    ensures that a lot of information is outputed if the
    program fails. but it also makes the .exe bigger. This
    policy may change for later releases....

  Doesnt matter what folder name you give for the start menu
    during the installation it always puts it into ccp4nt4.1.1b!
    Installation knows best ;)