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Re: [ccp4bb]: Changing hands of hkl

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"Eleanor J. Dodson" wrote:
>  truncate generates <F> and Dano - ie it averages the I+ and I- from
> scalepack..
>  So if you need to change hand you can reindex within truncate and get
> the Dano with the opposite sign. But how can this have happened? I
> thought most modern detectors made it impossible to get any indexing
> left handed?
>  Eleanor

This can happen. I have seen at least three cases (from various
synchrotron sources).  

Quan Hao, PhD                       Tel: 607-254-8983
Associate Director, MacCHESS
Wilson Synchrotron Lab		    Fax: 607-255-9001
Cornell University, NY 14853        Email: qh22@cornell.edu