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[ccp4bb]: Linux disk format/Mac OS X/FireWire

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Dear all,

We are thinking of buying one of those FireWire disk thingies, but I have a
question about operating system compatibility of the disk formats. We would
like to be able to use this disk to transfer data from a Linux PC to a Mac
running MacOS X 10.1 (Unfortunately we don't yet have an iBook or PB G4 to
take to the synchrotron...) Now would the Linux file format automatically be
recognised by MacOS X? I'm pretty new to MacOS X (if not to Macs) so I'd
appreciate any feedback.

Derek Logan                                    tel: +46 46 222 1443
Molecular Biophysics                           fax: +46 46 222 4692
Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Lund University
Box 124, S-221 00 Lund