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[ccp4bb]: Solution to SCALA and TRUNCATE problems

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Dear all,

The solution to the problems with SCALA and TRUNCATE I described the 
other day was to add "-fno-automatic" to all the Makefiles. Thanks to 
Kevin Cowtan for pointing this out. It was in fact the first suggestion 
on his "RedHat problems page", but for some reason I had jumped 
immediately to the bit at the bottom about not using gcc 2.96. I wasn't 
paying attention to the RH compilers debate when it happened.

What I actually did, rather than modifying the Makefiles one by one, was 
to add "-fno-automatic" to the XFFLAGS line in $CCP4/configure, i.e. 
line 1302:

   XFFLAGS=${XFFLAGS-"-fno-second-underscore -fno-globals -fno-automatic"}

This seemed intuitively the best way to do it but there may be some 
drawback I'm unaware of. I should add that I compiled the version I'm 
now using with gcc 3.0.1.
