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[ccp4bb]: oops2 vs PyMOL non-flame war

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On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, Warren L. DeLano wrote:

> I'd like to avoid a flame war

understandable, we know how Gerard abhors conflict.  And certainly I would 
never feed such a confrontation ;>

a couple extra cents worth:

supposing oops2 has a bug.  how would you know?  is the source code 
available?  and if you report a bug, are you satisfied with waiting for 
the author(s) to get around to it? And what if the bug isn't in oops2 
itself, but in O; same questions?  PyMOL not only does not require a 
license, but the source code is available so you can verify that the 
program is doing what its supposed to with the model you need to depend 
on.  i think this would appeal to the sort of folk who know and like CCP4.

now, if i could just get PyMOL to build and run on my Linux system, i 
would give it a try.  Oh, and i have to learn Python as well.


"No philosophy book would be complete without mentioning doppelgangers."
                                               - Daniel C. Dennett
                        David J. Schuller
                        modern man in a post-modern world
                        MacCHESS, Cornell University