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[ccp4bb]: A simple question of resolution

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Since this seems to be a ripe time for debates I figure I'll
throw my fuel onto the fire...

My question is a simple one, how do you determine what resolution
to report your structure at?

I'm not lucky enough enough to be in a situation with multiple complete
MAD datasets that were solved used an ingenious program while I was
drinking coffee. Instead I don't like coffee and my data is incomplete
and gets quite sparse at high resolution.

I'm interested in what is a proper method for reporting resolution in
the worst/poor case scenarios, any references to papers on the topic
would also be greatly appreciated.


     /)    Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry    (\
    / )University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697-3900( \
  _( (    Phone: (949) 824-1933, FAX (949) 824-1954           ) )_
(((\ \                   Email rlucas@uci.edu                 / /)))
(\\\\ \_/ /     http://www.structure.uci.edu/~rlucas     \ \_/ ////)
 \       /                                                \       /
  \    _/       If you're not part of the solution,        \_    /
  /   /           you're part of the precipitate.           \   \

    ***Dissertation Defense May 7th at 2PM in UCI's Tamkin F114***