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[ccp4bb]: Problem in CCP4i job status

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Dear all,

We are having a problem with job status updating in
CCP4i.  The "STARTING" status label never gets updated
despite the actual progression of the job, which has
no problem to run and finish.  Accordingly there is no
output file list displayed from "View Files from Job",
although they are actual generated in the directory. 
We are running CCP4i v1.3.9 and CCP4 4.2.1 (or 4.2.2,
same behavior) on a server (IRIX64 6.5.17m) through
telnet.  The programs are installed on the server as
well as the user directories.  

I noticed there is a similar phenonemon discussed in
the troubleshooting section of CCP4i as:

"Jobs run but are reported as STARTING in the Job
   When CCP4i runs a job it starts a separate process
and this process reports back to the main CCP4i on
progress - returning the status RUNNING, REMOTE,
FINISHED or FAILED. In older versions of the gui (pre
CCP4 4.1) the communication between the two processes
used the Tcl/Tk command send which didn't not work in
Tcl/Tk built with the default options. As of CCP4 4.1
send is no longer used so this problem shouldn't

Apparently, that doesn't apply to the current

Any insight is appreciated!

Xin Chen
Aventis Inc.
Bridgewater, NJ 08807, USA

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