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[ccp4bb]: Re: [ccp4bb] xloggraph

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Hello there,

	Here is what you need to go through...

hope it helps,

Quick Overview of the dreaded "Tom Font" Problem
        (written by Peter Briggs 16th July 1999)

Here is the background to this problem (and others like it):

"I get the following error when running xloggraph:
Error: xloggraph -- Tom's font file not specified"

What should happen:

The X-windows programs XLOGGRAPH and XPLOT84DRIVER need a number
of "X-windows resources" defaults setting, e.g. to find Tom's font or set
the colours when drawing lines.

CCP4 supply the file $CCP4/x-windows/XCCPJIFFY/XCCPJiffy.AppDefaults,
which contains default settings for most of these resources - upon
"making"  the X-jiffy software a couple more site-specific resources are
appended to make a file XCCPJiffy (in the same directory).  Upon "make
install" XCCPJiffy should be installed automatically in the directory

The user can then access these defaults automatically provided that this
directory is one of those to set in the XUSERFILESEARCHPATH varible in
your ccp4.setup (the default is $CCP4_LIB/X11/app-defaults/).

What can go wrong?

Try the following checks, in order:

1. Try "echo $XUSERFILESEARCHPATH" - in ccp4.setup this should default
to include $CCP4_LIB/X11/app-defaults


2. Check that $CCP4_LIB/X11/app-defaults exists. Go there and check
that it contains the file XCCPJiffy


3. Check the contents of the XCCPJiffy file (use e.g. more) - somewhere
it should have a line like
XCCPJiffy*tomFontPath: /ccpdisk/ccp4/lib/nice_font.bin


4. Check that nice_font.bin is actually there e.g. do
   ls -l /ccpdisk/ccp4/lib/nice_font.bin
(or whatever the path is in XCCPJiffy).

Any one of these steps could show something has gone wrong.

Other things could go wrong ...

....... things that we don't know about or understand! For instance, maybe
there is some peculiarity in the local system (e.g. one user couldn't
source ccp4.setup successfully from .login unless he commented out the
lines setting XUSERFILESEARCHPATH). In these cases you might suggest
doing the following:

Adding the Defaults to the X-database using xrdb

You can add the defaults directly to the x-database using the xrdb

xrdb -merge XCCPJiffy

should add them; use

xrdb -query

to see that they have been set correctly. I'm not if this has been done
each time you login, or only once, ever (in which case you will need to do
it again if you move the installation at any time).