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Re: [ccp4bb]: AMoRe Problem

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Neratur K Lokanath wrote:
> ***  For details on how to be removed from this list visit the  ***
> ***    CCP4 home page http://www.dl.ac.uk/CCP/CCP4/main.html    ***
> Dear all,
> I have crystallized a protein in cubic system of F432
> spacegroup. And I have collected the synchrotron data for
> the same. Now I am solving the structure using AMoRe, MR
> program. While I running the AMoRe I foud this messge
> AMORE:  Symmetry limit(2*NSYMP+1) must be =< NM - reset
> As in AMoRe document, I put command "TABLING_MR 5400000" in
> the command file, even then it prints the same.
> Could I know what is the reason?
> Thanks in advance,
> Lokanath
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This is rather puzzling - the tabfun section of Amore does not use  the
symmetry? It is working with the model with pseudo-symmetry P1 as a
 But the symmetry default limit is 25.

 You may need to reset HKLM: the default is:
HKLM 219 219 219 25 

At the end of sortfun it tells you something like this:
 for an I4132 symmetry
 Current "cell" =    148.120   148.120   148.120
 Symmetry counter set to 2NSMP + 1: =   49
 Maximum required H K L  124  124  124
 Maximum required Grid   252  252  252
 Need to reset H K L NM limits
 hm  km  lm  nh  nk  nl  nm   219  219  219  440  440  440   25
 hmm kmm lmm nhh nkk nll nmm  124  124  124  252  252  252   49

 But I did think that the new version fixed this automatically..

Puzzled! Can you send script and log?