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Re: [ccp4bb]: Truncate Resolution Error

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"Eleanor J. Dodson" wrote:
> >
> > TRUNCATE:  *** Data beyond useful resolution limit ***
> >
>  Well - it means you have a bin where the <I> is <= 0.0. Which indeed is
> tantamount to having indexed your data beyons a useful resolution
> limit..
I would like to see this become a warning which could be
ignored at the user's discretion (unless this would completely
invalidate the French & Wilson treatment). When working at
Very Low Resolution, the data do not fall off monotonically
with resolution, but have a distinct trough around 6A and peak 
near 5A. When we have struggled to improve the resolution to 
the point that we can see clearly useable data around 5A, it is 
discouraging to be told by truncate that we can't use it 
because there is a bin with <I> negative around 6 A. 
Usually we can get around this by playing with the 
bin size until no bin has negative <I>, but this is 
tedious and artificial.
