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[ccp4bb]: Question about TLS refinement in refmac5

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Can someone clarify exactly what happens in refmac5 when one 
performs a refinement such as the one shown in the TLS refinement
example (ex 9 in the refmac5 docs)?  
I understand the TLS refinement itself, but when refmac5 switches
over to 
	REFInement BREFinement ISOTropic
in the same run, what is happening then?   

Does it: 

   (A) 	keep the TLS parameters fixed but apply the TLS model on 
	top of the current state of the individual B values as it changes
   (B) 	translate the current TLS model into equivalent aniso Uij terms
	and then further refine an isotropic correction to the diagonal
   (C)	continue to refine the TLS parameters but now add in the 
	B terms as well?
   (D)	some other possibility I haven't thought of?  	

Ethan A Merritt       merritt@u.washington.edu
Biomolecular Structure Center Box 357742
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
phone: (206)543-1421
FAX:   (206)685-7002