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Re: [ccp4bb]: oops2 vs PyMOL non-flame war

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Manfred W. Baumstark wrote:

>PyMOL installed 'on the fly' on my Redhat 7.0, Win98, WinNT, and Win2000
Just another data point -- it was very straightforward for me to install 
Pymol on our RH 7.2 linux boxes -- using the simple instructions  and 
tar file (which include precompiled binaries) from the www.pymol.org 
download site.


David R. Buckler

679 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ  08854
phone: (732) 235-5164
fax:   (732) 235-5289
e-mail: buckler@cabm.rutgers.edu