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[ccp4bb]: unusually high solvent content

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Dear Joao,

Yes we did one
dTDP-glucose complex of RmlB (its in the PDB with the data) comes out in
Structure next year.

As I said to my student there are either three of four subunits in this asu,
no way does a xtal diffract to 1.9A with a Matthew No of 4.93 (two
monomers). 'Go back and run AMoRE properly.' After several attempts with my
encouragement 'I'll eat my hat' etc, he of course proved me wrong. Yet more
evidence for the dictum that supervisors have a tendency to confuse fact and
their opinion.

I could not resist a comment about manuals etc. There is a great tendency to
print off all the manuals one can find and put them in the drawer. (Or for
the really well organised a neatly labelled ring binder). Do the manuals
have that Tolkien power to sense when danger approaches and force the user
to thrust his hand into them? Or is that somehow they leak slowly and
undetectably through the drawer osmosing into the user without the user
being aware? I wonder aloud because at the Undergraduate level you can see
this too with book buying. To the younger people who find Tasos etc a bit
hard, we grew up without a bulletin board or documentation. Manuals often
were the comment lines in the code. I remember on first seeing this
wondering aloud what EJD meant, did it refer to some strange variable or to
some FORTRAN function. 'This broken will fix EJD' 'Not sure if this works
EJD' 'EJD has altered this'. I should add of course that my generation had
it easy, if it had not been for the EJD & PRE there would be no CCP4. Not
only did they lack manuals they lacked programs.

Happy Hogmanay



James H. Naismith                | Research mailto:naismith@st-and.ac.uk
Professor of Chemical Biology    | Teaching mailto:jhn@st-and.ac.uk
BBSRC Career Development Fellow  |
Centre for Biomolecular Sciences | Office: 1334-463792 (24 hr)
The North Haugh                  | Fax   : 1334-467229
The University                   | Lab   : 1334-467245
St. Andrews                      | In UK     add  0 to start of number
Fife Scotland, U.K., KY16 9ST    | www     http://speedy.st-and.ac.uk/>