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[ccp4bb]: RE: ccp4nt on w2k

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Dear Jason,

your message didn't get through to ccp4bb probably due an inconsistency
between the email address your registered as and the one you sent your
message from. you can contact ccp4@dl.ac.uk if you want this problem

As for the rest of your message I will answer the best I can and cc'd to
ccp4bb for general interest.

> I am trying to set up CCP4 on a windows 2k box. I am having some strange
> errors. I want to set up CCP4 on the D drive, but when I do this it can't
> find the tlk/blt libraries. 

This could be due to several problems - depending on what you've done or
installed! Can you send me more information on how you've carried out the
installation? no need to ccp4bb it!

> Additionally I want to use the D drive for
> projects, but it can only see the C drive. The way the system is set up is
> that I only want a few system files on the C: drive, and all other
> software  and users will be on the D: drive Is there any way around only
> using the C: drive?

I find if I need to see a different drive i firstly need to direct my ccp4i
viewer to an existing directory. e.g. instead of just typing in d:/ I
need to use d:/awa or similar then all is well....

> Also does anyone know  when is the new version (4.2)
> going to come out for windows? Thanks

there is no definite date as yet. The best I can say is this summer, it
will not correspond to ccp4 4.2 but more likely ccp4 4.2.1 or 4.2.2.

NB cad.exe in ccp4nt 4.1.1c needs to be replaced by the one in the
prerelease directory i.e.


hope that helps - get back to me with the tcl/blt info (e.g. what version 
you installed and how you installed ccp4)
Alun Ashton,   awa@ccp4.ac.uk    Tel: +44 1925 603528
CCP4,          ccp4@ccp4.ac.uk   Fax: +44 1925 603825
Daresbury Lab,  Daresbury,  Warrington,  UK,  WA4 4AD