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[ccp4bb]: Re: degrading e-mails in the CCP4bb

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Ricardo Aparicio wrote:
> Many thanks for all of you who kindly helped me in my "Amore error
> message" question, sending e-mails to me or CCP4bb. As pointed by Dr.
> David J. Schuller, in a very polite manner, my question is addressed in
> the Amore Manual. Not to mention the complete, constructive explanation
> of Alun Ashton. In this regard I should say I had checked CCP4i bottom
> "Memory Allocation" but because there was no default value I didn't
> realize what to do!

 A good answer Ricardo, and I hope you, and anyone else who has a
question, continue to ask it. First because we are all in a hurry, and
sometimes asking a Q saves so much time, and not least  because it does
help people like the CCP4 group know what confuses users

 Time to stop - this is beginning to rhyme.

  Happy Christmas