FBLD 2009 was held in York from 21st to 23rd September.
In September 2009 - more than 200 delegates enjoyed three days of science, networking and the experience of the City of York.
The timetable of the meeting is available (PDF).
The FBLD2008 conference was held in San Diego in February 2008 and attracted over 250 delegates. This successor conference provided an update on the latest experimental methods and results from fragment-based methods, but also provide a forum for in-depth discussion of how best to use fragment information in ligand discovery.
In addition, there was a one day workshop on Sunday 20th September:
"An overview of Fragment-Based Drug Discovery" - providing an introduction and update on the ideas and practise behind modern fragment-based discovery methods.
The remaining pages of this web site are the legacy of the meeting. Sign up to fbld2010
The organisers also acknowledge the help provided by the administrative organisers of FBLD2008 in San Diego for their help providing material for this website. In particular, we thank Mary Canady (http://www.comprendia.com), Vicky Nienaber (http://www.zenobiatherapeutics.com) and Rigaku Corporation.