00004 //C Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Kevin Cowtan and University of York
00005 //L
00006 //L  This library is free software and is distributed under the terms
00007 //L  and conditions of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
00008 //L  Licence (LGPL) with the following additional clause:
00009 //L
00010 //L     `You may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" to
00011 //L     produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute
00012 //L     that work under terms of your choice, provided that you give
00013 //L     prominent notice with each copy of the work that the specified
00014 //L     version of the Library is used in it, and that you include or
00015 //L     provide public access to the complete corresponding
00016 //L     machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
00017 //L     changes were used in the work. (i.e. If you make changes to the
00018 //L     Library you must distribute those, but you do not need to
00019 //L     distribute source or object code to those portions of the work
00020 //L     not covered by this licence.)'
00021 //L
00022 //L  Note that this clause grants an additional right and does not impose
00023 //L  any additional restriction, and so does not affect compatibility
00024 //L  with the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). If you wish to negotiate
00025 //L  other terms, please contact the maintainer.
00026 //L
00027 //L  You can redistribute it and/or modify the library under the terms of
00028 //L  the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
00029 //L  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
00030 //L  later version.
00031 //L
00032 //L  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00033 //L  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00035 //L  Lesser General Public License for more details.
00036 //L
00037 //L  You should have received a copy of the CCP4 licence and/or GNU
00038 //L  Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write
00039 //L  to the CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK.
00040 //L  The GNU Lesser General Public can also be obtained by writing to the
00041 //L  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
00042 //L  MA 02111-1307 USA
00045 #ifndef CLIPPER_MAP_INTERP
00046 #define CLIPPER_MAP_INTERP
00048 #include "derivs.h"
00051 namespace clipper
00052 {
00066   class Interp_nearest
00067   {
00068   public:
00069     template<class M> static bool can_interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos );  
00070     template<class T, class M> static void interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val );  
00071     inline static int order() { return 0; }  
00072   };
00087   class Interp_linear
00088   {
00089   public:
00090     template<class M> static bool can_interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos );  
00091     template<class T, class M> static void interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val );  
00092     inline static int order() { return 1; }  
00093   };
00108   class Interp_cubic
00109   {
00110   public:
00111     template<class M> static bool can_interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos );  
00112     template<class T, class M> static void interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val );  
00113     template<class T, class M> static void interp_grad( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad );
00114     template<class T, class M> static void interp_curv( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad, Curv_map<T>& curv );
00115     inline static int order() { return 3; }  
00116   };
00120   // template implementations
00128   template<class M> bool Interp_nearest::can_interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos )
00129     { return map.in_map( pos.coord_grid() ); }
00138   template<class T, class M> void Interp_nearest::interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val )
00139     { val = map.get_data( pos.coord_grid() ); }
00148   template<class M> bool Interp_linear::can_interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos )
00149   {
00150     Coord_grid c( pos.floor() );  // for even order change floor to coord_grid
00151     c.u() -= order()/2; c.v() -= order()/2; c.w() -= order()/2;
00152     if ( map.in_map( c ) ) {
00153       c.u() += order(); c.v() += order(); c.w() += order();
00154       return map.in_map( c );
00155     }
00156     return false;
00157   }
00166   template<class T, class M> void Interp_linear::interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val )
00167   {
00168     ftype u0 = floor( pos.u() );
00169     ftype v0 = floor( pos.v() );
00170     ftype w0 = floor( pos.w() );
00171     typename M::Map_reference_coord
00172       r( map, Coord_grid( int(u0), int(v0), int(w0) ) );
00173     T cu1( pos.u() - u0 );
00174     T cv1( pos.v() - v0 );
00175     T cw1( pos.w() - w0 );
00176     T cu0( 1.0 - cu1 );
00177     T cv0( 1.0 - cv1 );
00178     T cw0( 1.0 - cw1 );
00179     T r00 = cw0 * map[ r ];  // careful with evaluation order
00180     r00  += cw1 * map[ r.next_w() ];
00181     T r01 = cw1 * map[ r.next_v() ];
00182     r01  += cw0 * map[ r.prev_w() ];
00183     T r11 = cw0 * map[ r.next_u() ];
00184     r11  += cw1 * map[ r.next_w() ];
00185     T r10 = cw1 * map[ r.prev_v() ];
00186     r10  += cw0 * map[ r.prev_w() ];
00187     val = ( cu0*( cv0*r00 + cv1*r01 ) + cu1*( cv0*r10 + cv1*r11 ) );
00188   }
00197   template<class M> bool Interp_cubic::can_interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos )
00198   {
00199     Coord_grid c( pos.floor() );  // for even order change floor to coord_grid
00200     c.u() -= order()/2; c.v() -= order()/2; c.w() -= order()/2;
00201     if ( map.in_map( c ) ) {
00202       c.u() += order(); c.v() += order(); c.w() += order();
00203       return map.in_map( c );
00204     }
00205     return false;
00206   }
00213   template<class T, class M> void Interp_cubic::interp( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val )
00214   {
00215     ftype u0 = floor( pos.u() );
00216     ftype v0 = floor( pos.v() );
00217     ftype w0 = floor( pos.w() );
00218     typename M::Map_reference_coord iw, iv,
00219       iu( map, Coord_grid( int(u0)-1, int(v0)-1, int(w0)-1 ) );
00220     T su, sv, sw, cu[4], cv[4], cw[4];
00221     T cu1( pos.u() - u0 );
00222     T cv1( pos.v() - v0 );
00223     T cw1( pos.w() - w0 );
00224     T cu0( 1.0 - cu1 );
00225     T cv0( 1.0 - cv1 );
00226     T cw0( 1.0 - cw1 );
00227     cu[0] = -0.5*cu1*cu0*cu0; // cubic spline coeffs: u
00228     cu[1] = cu0*( -1.5*cu1*cu1 + cu1 + 1.0 );
00229     cu[2] = cu1*( -1.5*cu0*cu0 + cu0 + 1.0 );
00230     cu[3] = -0.5*cu1*cu1*cu0;
00231     cv[0] = -0.5*cv1*cv0*cv0; // cubic spline coeffs: v
00232     cv[1] = cv0*( -1.5*cv1*cv1 + cv1 + 1.0 );
00233     cv[2] = cv1*( -1.5*cv0*cv0 + cv0 + 1.0 );
00234     cv[3] = -0.5*cv1*cv1*cv0;
00235     cw[0] = -0.5*cw1*cw0*cw0; // cubic spline coeffs: w
00236     cw[1] = cw0*( -1.5*cw1*cw1 + cw1 + 1.0 );
00237     cw[2] = cw1*( -1.5*cw0*cw0 + cw0 + 1.0 );
00238     cw[3] = -0.5*cw1*cw1*cw0;
00239     su = 0.0;
00240     int i, j;
00241     for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
00242       iv = iu;
00243       sv = 0.0;
00244       for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00245         iw = iv;
00246           sw  = cw[0] * T( map[ iw ] );
00247           sw += cw[1] * T( map[ iw.next_w() ] );
00248           sw += cw[2] * T( map[ iw.next_w() ] );
00249           sw += cw[3] * T( map[ iw.next_w() ] );
00250         sv += cv[i] * sw;
00251         iv.next_v();
00252       }
00253       su += cu[j] * sv;
00254       iu.next_u();
00255     }
00256     val = su;
00257   }
00267   template<class T, class M> void Interp_cubic::interp_grad( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad )
00268   {
00269     ftype u0 = floor( pos.u() );
00270     ftype v0 = floor( pos.v() );
00271     ftype w0 = floor( pos.w() );
00272     typename M::Map_reference_coord iw, iv,
00273       iu( map, Coord_grid( int(u0)-1, int(v0)-1, int(w0)-1 ) );
00274     T s1, s2, s3, du1, dv1, dv2, dw1, dw2, dw3;
00275     T cu[4], cv[4], cw[4], gu[4], gv[4], gw[4];
00276     T cu1( pos.u() - u0 );
00277     T cv1( pos.v() - v0 );
00278     T cw1( pos.w() - w0 );
00279     T cu0( 1.0 - cu1 );
00280     T cv0( 1.0 - cv1 );
00281     T cw0( 1.0 - cw1 );
00282     cu[0] = -0.5*cu1*cu0*cu0; // cubic spline coeffs: u
00283     cu[1] = cu0*( -1.5*cu1*cu1 + cu1 + 1.0 );
00284     cu[2] = cu1*( -1.5*cu0*cu0 + cu0 + 1.0 );
00285     cu[3] = -0.5*cu1*cu1*cu0;
00286     cv[0] = -0.5*cv1*cv0*cv0; // cubic spline coeffs: v
00287     cv[1] = cv0*( -1.5*cv1*cv1 + cv1 + 1.0 );
00288     cv[2] = cv1*( -1.5*cv0*cv0 + cv0 + 1.0 );
00289     cv[3] = -0.5*cv1*cv1*cv0;
00290     cw[0] = -0.5*cw1*cw0*cw0; // cubic spline coeffs: w
00291     cw[1] = cw0*( -1.5*cw1*cw1 + cw1 + 1.0 );
00292     cw[2] = cw1*( -1.5*cw0*cw0 + cw0 + 1.0 );
00293     cw[3] = -0.5*cw1*cw1*cw0;
00294     gu[0] =  cu0*( 1.5*cu1 - 0.5 ); // cubic spline grad coeffs: u
00295     gu[1] =  cu1*( 4.5*cu1 - 5.0 );
00296     gu[2] = -cu0*( 4.5*cu0 - 5.0 );
00297     gu[3] = -cu1*( 1.5*cu0 - 0.5 );
00298     gv[0] =  cv0*( 1.5*cv1 - 0.5 ); // cubic spline grad coeffs: v
00299     gv[1] =  cv1*( 4.5*cv1 - 5.0 );
00300     gv[2] = -cv0*( 4.5*cv0 - 5.0 );
00301     gv[3] = -cv1*( 1.5*cv0 - 0.5 );
00302     gw[0] =  cw0*( 1.5*cw1 - 0.5 ); // cubic spline grad coeffs: w
00303     gw[1] =  cw1*( 4.5*cw1 - 5.0 );
00304     gw[2] = -cw0*( 4.5*cw0 - 5.0 );
00305     gw[3] = -cw1*( 1.5*cw0 - 0.5 );
00306     s1 = du1 = dv1 = dw1 = 0.0;
00307     int i, j;
00308     for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
00309       iv = iu;
00310       s2 = dv2 = dw2 = 0.0;
00311       for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00312         iw = iv;
00313           s3  = cw[0] * T( map[ iw ] );
00314           dw3  = gw[0] * T( map[ iw ] );
00315           iw.next_w();
00316           s3 += cw[1] * T( map[ iw ] );
00317           dw3 += gw[1] * T( map[ iw ] );
00318           iw.next_w();
00319           s3 += cw[2] * T( map[ iw ] );
00320           dw3 += gw[2] * T( map[ iw ] );
00321           iw.next_w();
00322           s3 += cw[3] * T( map[ iw ] );
00323           dw3 += gw[3] * T( map[ iw ] );
00324         s2 += cv[i] * s3;
00325         dv2 += gv[i] * s3;
00326         dw2 += cv[i] * dw3;
00327         iv.next_v();
00328       }
00329       s1 += cu[j] * s2;
00330       du1 += gu[j] * s2;
00331       dv1 += cu[j] * dv2;
00332       dw1 += cu[j] * dw2;
00333       iu.next_u();
00334     }
00335     val = s1;
00336     grad = Grad_map<T>( du1, dv1, dw1 );
00337   }
00347   template<class T, class M> void Interp_cubic::interp_curv( const M& map, const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad, Curv_map<T>& curv )
00348   {
00349     ftype u0 = floor( pos.u() );
00350     ftype v0 = floor( pos.v() );
00351     ftype w0 = floor( pos.w() );
00352     typename M::Map_reference_coord iw, iv,
00353       iu( map, Coord_grid( int(u0)-1, int(v0)-1, int(w0)-1 ) );
00354     T s1, s2, s3, du1, dv1, dv2, dw1, dw2, dw3;
00355     T duv1, duw1, dvw1, dvw2, duu1, dvv1, dvv2, dww1, dww2, dww3;
00356     T cu[4], cv[4], cw[4], gu[4], gv[4], gw[4], ggu[4], ggv[4], ggw[4];
00357     T cu1( pos.u() - u0 );
00358     T cv1( pos.v() - v0 );
00359     T cw1( pos.w() - w0 );
00360     T cu0( 1.0 - cu1 );
00361     T cv0( 1.0 - cv1 );
00362     T cw0( 1.0 - cw1 );
00363     cu[0] = -0.5*cu1*cu0*cu0; // cubic spline coeffs: u
00364     cu[1] = cu0*( -1.5*cu1*cu1 + cu1 + 1.0 );
00365     cu[2] = cu1*( -1.5*cu0*cu0 + cu0 + 1.0 );
00366     cu[3] = -0.5*cu1*cu1*cu0;
00367     cv[0] = -0.5*cv1*cv0*cv0; // cubic spline coeffs: v
00368     cv[1] = cv0*( -1.5*cv1*cv1 + cv1 + 1.0 );
00369     cv[2] = cv1*( -1.5*cv0*cv0 + cv0 + 1.0 );
00370     cv[3] = -0.5*cv1*cv1*cv0;
00371     cw[0] = -0.5*cw1*cw0*cw0; // cubic spline coeffs: w
00372     cw[1] = cw0*( -1.5*cw1*cw1 + cw1 + 1.0 );
00373     cw[2] = cw1*( -1.5*cw0*cw0 + cw0 + 1.0 );
00374     cw[3] = -0.5*cw1*cw1*cw0;
00375     gu[0] =  cu0*( 1.5*cu1 - 0.5 ); // cubic spline grad coeffs: u
00376     gu[1] =  cu1*( 4.5*cu1 - 5.0 );
00377     gu[2] = -cu0*( 4.5*cu0 - 5.0 );
00378     gu[3] = -cu1*( 1.5*cu0 - 0.5 );
00379     gv[0] =  cv0*( 1.5*cv1 - 0.5 ); // cubic spline grad coeffs: v
00380     gv[1] =  cv1*( 4.5*cv1 - 5.0 );
00381     gv[2] = -cv0*( 4.5*cv0 - 5.0 );
00382     gv[3] = -cv1*( 1.5*cv0 - 0.5 );
00383     gw[0] =  cw0*( 1.5*cw1 - 0.5 ); // cubic spline grad coeffs: w
00384     gw[1] =  cw1*( 4.5*cw1 - 5.0 );
00385     gw[2] = -cw0*( 4.5*cw0 - 5.0 );
00386     gw[3] = -cw1*( 1.5*cw0 - 0.5 );
00387     ggu[0] =  2.0 - 3.0*cu1; // cubic spline curv coeffs: u
00388     ggu[1] =  9.0*cu1 - 5.0;
00389     ggu[2] =  9.0*cu0 - 5.0;
00390     ggu[3] =  2.0 - 3.0*cu0;
00391     ggv[0] =  2.0 - 3.0*cv1; // cubic spline curv coeffs: v
00392     ggv[1] =  9.0*cv1 - 5.0;
00393     ggv[2] =  9.0*cv0 - 5.0;
00394     ggv[3] =  2.0 - 3.0*cv0;
00395     ggw[0] =  2.0 - 3.0*cw1; // cubic spline curv coeffs: w
00396     ggw[1] =  9.0*cw1 - 5.0;
00397     ggw[2] =  9.0*cw0 - 5.0;
00398     ggw[3] =  2.0 - 3.0*cw0;
00399     s1 = du1 = dv1 = dw1 = duv1 = duw1 = dvw1 = duu1 = dvv1 = dww1 = 0.0;
00400     int i, j;
00401     for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
00402       iv = iu;
00403       s2 = dv2 = dw2 = dvw2 = dvv2 = dww2 = 0.0;
00404       for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00405         iw = iv;
00406           s3  = cw[0] * T( map[ iw ] );
00407           dw3  = gw[0] * T( map[ iw ] );
00408           dww3 = ggw[0] * T( map[ iw ] );
00409           iw.next_w();
00410           s3 += cw[1] * T( map[ iw ] );
00411           dw3 += gw[1] * T( map[ iw ] );
00412           dww3 += ggw[1] * T( map[ iw ] );
00413           iw.next_w();
00414           s3 += cw[2] * T( map[ iw ] );
00415           dw3 += gw[2] * T( map[ iw ] );
00416           dww3 += ggw[2] * T( map[ iw ] );
00417           iw.next_w();
00418           s3 += cw[3] * T( map[ iw ] );
00419           dw3 += gw[3] * T( map[ iw ] );
00420           dww3 += ggw[3] * T( map[ iw ] );
00421         s2 += cv[i] * s3;
00422         dv2 += gv[i] * s3;
00423         dw2 += cv[i] * dw3;
00424         dvw2 += gv[i] * dw3;
00425         dvv2 += ggv[i] * s3;
00426         dww2 += cv[i] * dww3;
00427         iv.next_v();
00428       }
00429       s1 += cu[j] * s2;
00430       du1 += gu[j] * s2;
00431       dv1 += cu[j] * dv2;
00432       dw1 += cu[j] * dw2;
00433       duv1 += gu[j] * dv2;
00434       duw1 += gu[j] * dw2;
00435       dvw1 += cu[j] * dvw2;
00436       duu1 += ggu[j] * s2;
00437       dvv1 += cu[j] * dvv2;
00438       dww1 += cu[j] * dww2;
00439       iu.next_u();
00440     }
00441     val = s1;
00442     grad = Grad_map<T>( du1, dv1, dw1 );
00443     curv = Curv_map<T>( Mat33<T>( duu1, duv1, duw1,
00444                                   duv1, dvv1, dvw1,
00445                                   duw1, dvw1, dww1 ) );
00446   }
00449 } // namespace clipper
00452 #endif