Required other programs
You must have rDock installed and the appropriate path variables set up forit (see the rDock
You must also have java installed on your machine so you can actually run the GUI.
Babel should also be installed and the path set up for it, this is only necessary if you are going to use
the GUI to convert pdb files - you can also create a mol2 file by saving a pdb as mol2 in
To use the view functionality DSVisualizer should be installed.
Installing the GUI
Unzip or untar the folder called or rdock_gui.tar. This should give you an outer folder
called rdock_gui with an inner folder called gui. In the outer folder you'll find a template file called
path_template.txt which contains two lines, one starting GUI: and the other starting Protocols:.
After GUI: you should type the full path of where the script Completeeerrors.pyc, and rdock2.jpg,
these should at the moment be in the same folder as the template that your editing but they don't have
to be as long as they are all in the same folder and path_template.txt doesn't get moved as well.
Protocols: you should type the full path of where all your docking protocols are, they should be in
their own folder that has no sub folders(the default location is 2006.2_release_FC3/data/scripts/). Please save this folder and don't move it from this location – you can move the other documents in this directory – as long as you change it in the template, but you cant move the subdirectory gui. All paths should have no spaces in them.
After you edit path_template.txt :
$cd rdock_gui/gui/
$make all
$make doc
$make compile
$javac *.java
After you execute these commands you can run the gui from every location by typing:
or simply:
$cd rdock_gui/
$java gui.Main_gui
To uninstall it:
$cd rdock_gui/gui/
$make clean