00004 //C Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Kevin Cowtan and University of York
00005 //L
00006 //L  This library is free software and is distributed under the terms
00007 //L  and conditions of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
00008 //L  Licence (LGPL) with the following additional clause:
00009 //L
00010 //L     `You may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" to
00011 //L     produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute
00012 //L     that work under terms of your choice, provided that you give
00013 //L     prominent notice with each copy of the work that the specified
00014 //L     version of the Library is used in it, and that you include or
00015 //L     provide public access to the complete corresponding
00016 //L     machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
00017 //L     changes were used in the work. (i.e. If you make changes to the
00018 //L     Library you must distribute those, but you do not need to
00019 //L     distribute source or object code to those portions of the work
00020 //L     not covered by this licence.)'
00021 //L
00022 //L  Note that this clause grants an additional right and does not impose
00023 //L  any additional restriction, and so does not affect compatibility
00024 //L  with the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). If you wish to negotiate
00025 //L  other terms, please contact the maintainer.
00026 //L
00027 //L  You can redistribute it and/or modify the library under the terms of
00028 //L  the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
00029 //L  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
00030 //L  later version.
00031 //L
00032 //L  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00033 //L  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00035 //L  Lesser General Public License for more details.
00036 //L
00037 //L  You should have received a copy of the CCP4 licence and/or GNU
00038 //L  Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write
00039 //L  to the CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK.
00040 //L  The GNU Lesser General Public can also be obtained by writing to the
00041 //L  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
00042 //L  MA 02111-1307 USA
00045 #ifndef CLIPPER_XMAP
00046 #define CLIPPER_XMAP
00049 #include "fftmap.h"
00050 #include "fftmap_sparse.h"
00051 #include "derivs.h"
00054 namespace clipper
00055 {
00057   class Xmap_cacheobj
00058   {
00059   public:
00060     class Key
00061     {
00062     public:
00063       Key( const Spgr_descr& spgr_descr, const Grid_sampling& grid ) :
00064         spgr_descr_(spgr_descr), grid_sampling_(grid) {}
00065       const Spgr_descr& spgr_descr() const { return spgr_descr_; }
00066       const Grid_sampling& grid_sampling() const { return grid_sampling_; }
00067     private:
00068       Spgr_descr spgr_descr_;
00069       Grid_sampling grid_sampling_;
00070     };
00072     Xmap_cacheobj( const Key& xmap_cachekey );  
00073     bool matches( const Key& xmap_cachekey ) const; 
00074     String format() const;  
00075     // data
00076     Key key;                         
00077     Grid_sampling xtl_grid;          
00078     Grid_range asu_grid;             
00079     Grid_range map_grid;             
00080     int nsym;                        // number of symops
00081     std::vector<unsigned char> asu;  
00082     std::vector<Isymop> isymop;      
00083     std::vector<int> du, dv, dw;     
00084     Array2d<unsigned char> symperm;  
00085     Mat33<> mat_grid_orth;           
00086     static Mutex mutex;              
00087   };
00100   class Xmap_base
00101   {
00102   public:
00103     enum FFTtype { Default, Normal, Sparse };  
00106     bool is_null() const;
00109     const Cell& cell() const { return cell_; }
00111     const Spacegroup& spacegroup() const { return spacegroup_; }
00113     const Grid_sampling& grid_sampling() const { return grid_sam_; }
00115     const Grid_range& grid_asu() const { return; }
00118     inline Coord_grid coord_of( const int& index ) const
00119       { return index ); }
00123     inline int index_of( const Coord_grid& coord ) const {
00124       if ( coord ) ) {
00125         const int i = coord );
00126         if ( asu[ i ] == 0 ) return i;
00127       }
00128       return -1;
00129     }
00131     Coord_grid to_map_unit( const Coord_grid& pos ) const
00132       { return pos.unit( grid_sam_ ); }
00135     const RTop<>& operator_orth_grid() const { return rt_orth_grid; }
00137     const RTop<>& operator_grid_orth() const { return rt_grid_orth; }
00141     inline Coord_orth coord_orth( const Coord_map& cm ) const
00142       { return Coord_orth( rt_grid_orth.rot()*cm ); }
00146     inline Coord_map coord_map( const Coord_orth& co ) const
00147       { return Coord_map ( rt_orth_grid.rot()*co ); }
00150     bool in_map( const Coord_grid& ) const { return true; }
00152     template<class I> bool in_map( const Coord_map& cm ) const { return true; }
00155     int multiplicity( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
00162     class Map_reference_base
00163     {
00164     public:
00166       inline const Xmap_base& base_xmap() const { return *map_; }
00168       inline const int& index() const { return index_; }
00170       bool last() const { return ( index_ >= map_->map_grid.size() ); }
00171     protected:
00173       const Xmap_base* map_;
00175       int index_;
00176     };
00190     class Map_reference_index : public Map_reference_base
00191     {
00192     public:
00194       Map_reference_index() {}
00196       explicit Map_reference_index( const Xmap_base& map )
00197         { map_ = &map; index_=0; next(); }
00199       Map_reference_index( const Xmap_base& map, const Coord_grid& pos ) { map_ = &map; int sym; map_->find_sym( pos, index_, sym ); }
00201       inline Coord_grid coord() const
00202         { return map_->map_grid.deindex(index_); }
00204       inline const Coord_orth coord_orth() const
00205         { return Coord_orth( map_->rt_grid_orth.rot() * coord().coord_map() ); }
00207       inline Map_reference_index& set_coord( const Coord_grid& pos )
00208         { int sym; map_->find_sym( pos, index_, sym ); return *this; }
00210       inline Map_reference_index& next() {
00211         do {
00212           index_++; if ( last() ) break;
00213         } while ( map_->asu[index_] != 0 );
00214         return *this;
00215       }
00217       /* Use for e.g. peak search. Valid for -1 <= du/dv/dw <= 1 only.
00218          \param du/dv/dw Coordinate offset. \return Map index. */
00219       inline int index_offset(const int& du,const int& dv,const int& dw) const {
00220         int i = index_ + du*map_->du[0] + dv*map_->dv[0] + dw*map_->dw[0];
00221         if ( map_->asu[i] != 0 ) { i = map_->map_grid.index( map_->to_map_unit( map_->map_grid.deindex(i).transform( map_->isymop[map_->asu[i]-1] ) ) ); }
00222         return i;
00223       }
00224       // inherited functions listed for documentation purposes
00225       //-- const Xmap_base& base_xmap() const;
00226       //-- const int& index() const;
00227       //-- bool last() const;
00228     };
00242     class Map_reference_coord : public Map_reference_base
00243     {
00244     public:
00246       Map_reference_coord() {}
00248       explicit Map_reference_coord( const Xmap_base& map )
00249         { map_ = &map; index_ = 0; next(); }
00251       Map_reference_coord( const Xmap_base& map, const Coord_grid& pos ) {
00252         map_ = &map;
00253         pos_ = pos;
00254         map_->find_sym( pos_, index_, sym_ );
00255       }
00257       inline const Coord_grid& coord() const { return pos_; }
00259       inline const Coord_orth coord_orth() const
00260         { return Coord_orth( map_->rt_grid_orth.rot() * coord().coord_map() ); }
00262       inline const int& sym() const { return sym_; }
00264       Map_reference_coord& set_coord( const Coord_grid& pos );
00267       inline Map_reference_coord& next() {
00268         sym_ = 0;
00269         do {
00270           index_++; if ( last() ) break;
00271         } while ( map_->asu[index_] != 0 );
00272         pos_ = map_->map_grid.deindex(index_);
00273         return *this;
00274       }
00275       // Increment u,v,w
00276       inline Map_reference_coord& next_u() { pos_.u()++; index_ += map_->du[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  
00277       inline Map_reference_coord& next_v() { pos_.v()++; index_ += map_->dv[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  
00278       inline Map_reference_coord& next_w() { pos_.w()++; index_ += map_->dw[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  
00279       inline Map_reference_coord& prev_u() { pos_.u()--; index_ -= map_->du[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  
00280       inline Map_reference_coord& prev_v() { pos_.v()--; index_ -= map_->dv[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  
00281       inline Map_reference_coord& prev_w() { pos_.w()--; index_ -= map_->dw[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  
00283       inline Map_reference_coord& operator =( const Coord_grid& pos )
00284         { return set_coord( pos ); }
00285       // inherited functions listed for documentation purposes
00286       //-- const Xmap_base& base_xmap() const;
00287       //-- const int& index() const;
00288       //-- bool last() const;
00290     protected:
00292       int sym_;
00294       Coord_grid pos_;
00297       void edge();
00298     };
00301     Map_reference_index first() const { return Map_reference_index( *this ); }
00303     Map_reference_coord first_coord() const { return Map_reference_coord( *this ); }
00305     static FFTtype& default_type() { return default_type_; }
00306   protected:
00307     ObjectCache<Xmap_cacheobj>::Reference cacheref;  
00308     const unsigned char* asu;  
00309     const Isymop* isymop;      
00310     const int* du;             
00311     const int* dv;             
00312     const int* dw;             
00313     Grid_range asu_grid;       
00314     Grid_range map_grid;       
00315     int nsym;                  
00317     Cell cell_;                    
00318     Spacegroup spacegroup_;        
00319     Grid_sampling grid_sam_;       
00321     RTop<> rt_orth_grid;           
00322     RTop<> rt_grid_orth;           
00325     Xmap_base();
00327     void init( const Spacegroup& spacegroup, const Cell& cell, const Grid_sampling& grid_sam );
00328     inline void find_sym( const Coord_grid& base, int& index, int& sym ) const;
00329     void asu_error( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
00331     static FFTtype default_type_;       
00333     friend class Xmap_base::Map_reference_base;
00334     friend class Xmap_base::Map_reference_index;
00335     friend class Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord;
00336   };
00356   template<class T> class Xmap : public Xmap_base
00357   {
00358   public:
00360     Xmap() {}
00362     Xmap( const Spacegroup& spacegroup, const Cell& cell, const Grid_sampling& grid_sam ) { init( spacegroup, cell, grid_sam ); }
00364     void init( const Spacegroup& spacegroup, const Cell& cell, const Grid_sampling& grid_sam ) { Xmap_base::init( spacegroup, cell, grid_sam ); list.resize( ); }
00367     inline const T& operator[] (const Xmap_base::Map_reference_index& ix) const
00368       { return list[ix.index()]; }
00370     inline T& operator[] (const Xmap_base::Map_reference_index& ix)
00371       { return list[ix.index()]; }
00374     inline const T& operator[] (const Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord& ix) const
00375       { return list[ix.index()]; }
00377     inline T& operator[] (const Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord& ix)
00378       { return list[ix.index()]; }
00381     const T& get_data( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
00383     void set_data( const Coord_grid& pos, const T& val );
00385     inline const T& get_data( const int& index ) const;
00387     bool set_data( const int& index, const T& val  );
00390     template<class I> T interp( const Coord_frac& pos ) const;
00392     template<class I> void interp_grad( const Coord_frac& pos, T& val, Grad_frac<T>& grad ) const;
00394     template<class I> void interp_curv( const Coord_frac& pos, T& val, Grad_frac<T>& grad, Curv_frac<T>& curv ) const;
00396     template<class I> T interp( const Coord_map& pos ) const;
00398     template<class I> void interp_grad( const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad ) const;
00400     template<class I> void interp_curv( const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad, Curv_map<T>& curv ) const;
00403     template<class H> void fft_from( const H& fphidata, const FFTtype type = Default );
00405     template<class H> void fft_to  ( H& fphidata, const FFTtype type = Default ) const;
00407     // inherited functions listed for documentation purposes
00408     //-- const Cell& cell() const;
00409     //-- const Spacegroup& spacegroup() const;
00410     //-- const Grid_sampling& grid_sampling() const;
00411     //-- const Grid_range& grid_asu() const;
00412     //-- inline Coord_grid coord_of( const int& index ) const;
00413     //-- inline int index_of( const Coord_grid& coord ) const;
00414     //-- const int multiplicity( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
00415     //-- const Coord_grid to_map_unit( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
00416     //-- const Map_reference_index first() const;
00417     //-- const Map_reference_coord first_coord() const;
00420     const T& operator =( const T& value );
00422     const Xmap<T>& operator +=( const Xmap<T>& other );
00424     const Xmap<T>& operator -=( const Xmap<T>& other );
00426   private:
00427     std::vector<T> list;
00428   };
00432   // implementations
00434   void Xmap_base::find_sym( const Coord_grid& base, int& index, int& sym ) const
00435   {
00436     // first deal with first symop, and cache for highest performance
00437     Coord_grid rot = to_map_unit( base );
00438     if ( asu_grid.in_grid( rot ) ) {
00439       index = map_grid.index( rot );
00440       if ( asu[ index ] == 0 ) {
00441         sym = 0;
00442       } else {
00443         sym = asu[ index ] - 1;
00444         index = map_grid.index( to_map_unit( base.transform(isymop[sym]) ) );
00445       }
00446     } else {
00447       // now deal with other symops
00448       for ( sym = 1; sym < nsym; sym++ ) {
00449         rot = to_map_unit( base.transform( isymop[sym] ) );
00450         if ( asu_grid.in_grid( rot ) ) {
00451           index = map_grid.index( rot );
00452           if ( asu[ index ] == 0 ) return;
00453         }
00454       }
00455       index = 0;  // redundent, to avoid compiler warnings
00456       asu_error( base );
00457     }
00458     return;
00459   }
00466   template<class T> const T& Xmap<T>::get_data( const Coord_grid& pos ) const
00467   {
00468     int index, sym;
00469     find_sym( pos, index, sym );
00470     return list[ index ];
00471   }
00477   template<class T> void Xmap<T>::set_data( const Coord_grid& pos, const T& val )
00478   {
00479     int index, sym;
00480     find_sym( pos, index, sym );
00481     list[ index ] = val;
00482   }
00490   template<class T> const T& Xmap<T>::get_data( const int& index ) const
00491   { return list[index]; }
00500   template<class T> bool Xmap<T>::set_data( const int& index, const T& val  )
00501   {
00502     if ( index >= 0 && index < list.size() )
00503       if ( asu[index] == 0 ) {
00504         list[index] = val;
00505         return true;
00506       }
00507     return false;
00508   }
00518   template<class T> template<class I> T Xmap<T>::interp( const Coord_frac& pos ) const
00519   {
00520     T val;
00521     I::interp( *this, pos.coord_map( grid_sam_ ), val );
00522     return val;
00523   }
00533   template<class T> template<class I> void Xmap<T>::interp_grad( const Coord_frac& pos, T& val, Grad_frac<T>& grad ) const
00534   {
00535     Grad_map<T> g;
00536     I::interp_grad( *this, pos.coord_map( grid_sam_ ), val, g );
00537     grad = g.grad_frac( grid_sam_ );
00538   }
00550   template<class T> template<class I> void Xmap<T>::interp_curv( const Coord_frac& pos, T& val, Grad_frac<T>& grad, Curv_frac<T>& curv ) const
00551   {
00552     Grad_map<T> g;
00553     Curv_map<T> c;
00554     I::interp_curv( *this, pos.coord_map( grid_sam_ ), val, g, c );
00555     grad = g.grad_frac( grid_sam_ );
00556     curv = c.curv_frac( grid_sam_ );
00557   }
00568   template<class T> template<class I> T Xmap<T>::interp( const Coord_map& pos ) const
00569   {
00570     T val;
00571     I::interp( *this, pos, val );
00572     return val;
00573   }
00583   template<class T> template<class I> void Xmap<T>::interp_grad( const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad ) const
00584     { I::interp_grad( *this, pos, val, grad ); }
00596   template<class T> template<class I> void Xmap<T>::interp_curv( const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad, Curv_map<T>& curv ) const
00597     { I::interp_curv( *this, pos, val, grad, curv ); }
00604   template<class T> template<class H> void Xmap<T>::fft_from( const H& fphidata, const FFTtype type )
00605   {
00606     if ( type == Sparse || ( type == Default && default_type() == Sparse ) ) {
00607       // make a sparse fftmap
00608       FFTmap_sparse_p1_hx fftmap( grid_sampling() );
00609       // copy from reflection data
00610       typename H::HKL_reference_index ih;
00611       ffttype f, phi0, phi1;
00612       int sym;
00613       for ( ih = fphidata.first_data(); !ih.last(); fphidata.next_data( ih ) ) {
00614         f = fphidata[ih].f();
00615         if ( f != 0.0 ) {
00616           phi0 = fphidata[ih].phi();
00617           const HKL& hkl = ih.hkl();
00618           fftmap.set_hkl( hkl,
00619                           std::complex<ffttype>( f*cos(phi0), f*sin(phi0) ) );
00620           for ( sym = 1; sym < spacegroup_.num_primops(); sym++ ) {
00621             phi1 = phi0 + hkl.sym_phase_shift( spacegroup_.symop(sym) );
00622             fftmap.set_hkl( hkl.transform( isymop[sym] ),
00623                             std::complex<ffttype>( f*cos(phi1), f*sin(phi1) ) );
00624           }
00625         }
00626       }
00627       // require output ASU coords
00628       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); )
00629         fftmap.require_real_data( ix.coord() );
00630       // do fft
00631       fftmap.fft_h_to_x(1.0/cell().volume());
00632       // fill map ASU
00633       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); )
00634         (*this)[ix] = fftmap.real_data( ix.coord() );
00635     } else {
00636       // make a normal fftmap
00637       FFTmap_p1 fftmap( grid_sampling() );
00638       // copy from reflection data
00639       typename H::HKL_reference_index ih;
00640       ffttype f, phi0, phi1;
00641       int sym;
00642       for ( ih = fphidata.first_data(); !ih.last(); fphidata.next_data( ih ) ) {
00643         f = fphidata[ih].f();
00644         if ( f != 0.0 ) {
00645           phi0 = fphidata[ih].phi();
00646           const HKL& hkl = ih.hkl();
00647           fftmap.set_hkl( hkl,
00648                           std::complex<ffttype>( f*cos(phi0), f*sin(phi0) ) );
00649           for ( sym = 1; sym < spacegroup_.num_primops(); sym++ ) {
00650             phi1 = phi0 + hkl.sym_phase_shift( spacegroup_.symop(sym) );
00651             fftmap.set_hkl( hkl.transform( isymop[sym] ),
00652                             std::complex<ffttype>( f*cos(phi1), f*sin(phi1) ) );
00653           }
00654         }
00655       }
00656       // do fft
00657       fftmap.fft_h_to_x(1.0/cell().volume());
00658       // fill map ASU
00659       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); )
00660         (*this)[ix] = fftmap.real_data( ix.coord() );
00661     }
00662   }
00673   template<class T> template<class H> void Xmap<T>::fft_to  ( H& fphidata, const FFTtype type ) const
00674   {
00675     if ( type == Sparse || ( type == Default && default_type() == Sparse ) ) {
00676       // make a sparse fftmap
00677       FFTmap_sparse_p1_xh fftmap( grid_sampling() );
00678       // copy from map data
00679       ffttype f;
00680       int sym;
00681       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); ) {
00682         f = (*this)[ix];
00683         if ( f != 0.0 ) {
00684           fftmap.real_data( ix.coord() ) = f;
00685           for ( sym = 1; sym <; sym++ )
00686             fftmap.real_data(
00687               ix.coord().transform( isymop[sym] ).unit( grid_sam_ ) ) = f;
00688         }
00689       }
00690       // require output ASU coords
00691       typename H::HKL_reference_index ih;
00692       for ( ih = fphidata.first(); !ih.last(); )
00693         fftmap.require_hkl( ih.hkl() );
00694       // do fft
00695       fftmap.fft_x_to_h(cell().volume());
00696       // fill data ASU
00697       for ( ih = fphidata.first(); !ih.last(); ) {
00698         std::complex<ffttype> c = fftmap.get_hkl( ih.hkl() );
00699         fphidata[ih].f() = std::abs(c);
00700         fphidata[ih].phi() = std::arg(c);
00701       }
00702     } else {
00703       // make a normal fftmap
00704       FFTmap_p1 fftmap( grid_sampling() );
00705       // copy from map data
00706       ffttype f;
00707       int sym;
00708       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); ) {
00709         f = (*this)[ix];
00710         if ( f != 0.0 ) {
00711           fftmap.real_data( ix.coord() ) = f;
00712           for ( sym = 1; sym <; sym++ )
00713             fftmap.real_data(
00714               ix.coord().transform( isymop[sym] ).unit( grid_sam_ ) ) = f;
00715         }
00716       }
00717       // do fft
00718       fftmap.fft_x_to_h(cell().volume());
00719       // fill data ASU
00720       typename H::HKL_reference_index ih;
00721       for ( ih = fphidata.first(); !ih.last(); ) {
00722         std::complex<ffttype> c = fftmap.get_hkl( ih.hkl() );
00723         fphidata[ih].f() = std::abs(c);
00724         fphidata[ih].phi() = std::arg(c);
00725       }
00726     }
00727   }
00732   template<class T> const T& Xmap<T>::operator =( const T& value )
00733   {
00734     // copy value into map
00735     for ( Map_reference_index im = first(); !im.last(); )
00736       list[im.index()] = value;
00737     return value;
00738   }
00742   template<class T> const Xmap<T>& Xmap<T>::operator +=( const Xmap<T>& other )
00743   {
00744     if ( spacegroup().hash() != other.spacegroup().hash() ||
00745          grid_sampling() != other.grid_sampling() )
00746       Message::message( Message_fatal( "Xmap: map mismatch in +=" ) );
00747     for ( Map_reference_index im = first(); !im.last(); )
00748       list[im.index()] += other[im];
00749     return (*this);
00750   }
00753   template<class T> const Xmap<T>& Xmap<T>::operator -=( const Xmap<T>& other )
00754   {
00755     if ( spacegroup().hash() != other.spacegroup().hash() ||
00756          grid_sampling() != other.grid_sampling() )
00757       Message::message( Message_fatal( "Xmap: map mismatch in -=" ) );
00758     for ( Map_reference_index im = first(); !im.last(); )
00759       list[im.index()] -= other[im];
00760     return (*this);
00761   }
00764 } // namespace clipper
00766 #endif